One of our staff has just been on a speech and language course and was given some information about dummies which we thought we would share with you in case it was of use...
- Incorrect positioning of teeth so that the bottom and top teeth at the front don't meet properly
- Tooth decay (especially the front teeth) if the dummy is dipped into sweet things
- Your child may tend to breathe through their mouth rather than their nose. This is often linked to long-term dribbling
Speech and language problems:
- Your child may not use the full range of tongue movements that are necessary for making all the speech sound
- Your child has fewer opportunities to babble and use sounds to communicate with you
- Don't let a dummy become a habit
- Use it at set times - when cross & tired or settling down to sleep
- Never dip a dummy in drinks, honey, jam etc - this leads to teeth becoming rotten and decayed
- Wait until your child needs the dummy rather than automatically giving it to them
Ideas that parents have tried:
- Give the dummy/bottle to Santa.
- Swap the dummy/bottle for a gift/cuddly toy/new toothbrush.
- Pretend to give the dummy/bottle to a friend's baby.
- Get the child to throw the dummy/bottle in the bin.
- Hand the dummy/bottle to your local speech and language therapist who will give your child a sticker or picture to colour in.
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