Thursday, 24 January 2019

Ice Play

Today the children have really enjoyed playing with the ice. They have been trying to free the sea creatures by melting it with water...

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Dear Zoo

This week the children have been writing letters to the Zoo to send them a pet, just like in the book, they were asked to think about what pet they would like, what ut must be, what it must not be and how much they would pay. They also drew a picture of the animal and signed the letter.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019


Today for snack the children have had popcorn that we made for them. They loved watching the new machine which was donated to us by a previous parent. We are very grateful to them for giving it to us because as well as being great fun and really quick it is a health snack option as the machine uses no oil just hot air.

Thursday, 3 January 2019

2nd Place

Great News...

Our Christmas Tree got 2nd place at the Christmas Tree Festival in Portslade. We will hopefully be entering again next year so hopefully we can go one better.

Tuesday, 1 January 2019


HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope you had a good Christmas and look forward to seeing everyone this week. Just a reminder that we are back tomorrow (Wed 2nd)