Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Tapestry Update


Over the weekend the Tapestry System will be updating. As a result you will need to log in on a different screen from Monday morning.There will be a letter going out to all parents this week.

The new address will be :

There wull be no change to you logon details or password. Any problems please contact us.

More information about the update will be given as we get it.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

How are you feeling today?

Each day at register and lunch time wae ask the children how they are feeling. Although many of the children use terms such as happy, sad, worried, etc they also use a whole range of  other words such as "squishy".

These terms a really useful and allow the children to try and verbalise times when they are somewhere in between happy or sad, worried or excited.

What words do they use when they are at home and what do you think they they are trying to describe?

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Shopping Lists

The children have been playing shops. They were given a list of things to buy, with pictures and numbers on ...

All of the children really enjoyed this activity and carried on playing, taking turns at being the shop keeper.

Hide and Seek

Today we have been playing hide and seek with the Thomas Trains...


November's Activity Planner is also available on the blog for you to look at ...


Our newsletter for November is available to pick up from today ...