Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Cotton Wool Ball Smash

Today the children have been experimenting with cotton wool and flour!

They mixed flour, water and food colouring with the cotton wool balls. Then it went into the oven until it went hard. Then in the afternoon they had great fun smashing it up...

Thursday, 21 January 2016

What is Magnetic?

Today the children have been looking a magnets. They have been doing an experiment to see what items are magnetic and what items are not...


Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Sainsbury's Active Kids

Sainsbury's Active Kids is back again and we are once more asking you to bring in your vouchers to help get some valuable resources for the children at Baby Ducks.

As a small business any help we can get with new resources is extremely important. 

We can exchange the vouchers for cooking equipment and sports equipment.

Please help by bringing your vouchers to us and putting them into the collection box either when you drop off or pick up your child.

Thank you in advance for helping us to get as many vouchers as possible.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

What Colour is it?

The children have really enjoyed sorting the toys into colours ...





Thursday, 7 January 2016


Today we have been cutting up some straws and threading them onto string to make some necklaces.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Text Santa

A big thank you to everyone that came in for the last week of term in a Christmas Jumper, we managed to raise £48.04

Friday, 1 January 2016

Happy New Year

We would like to wish all our staff, children as parents a very happy new year!