Friday, 28 March 2014

Quilt Gold!

As some of you will be aware we have always been proud of achieving our credits as part of Brighton and Hove Council's QuILT (Quality Improvement in Learning and Teaching) Scheme! What you might not know is that we have started on a new QuILT GOLD program which is pushing the standard even further!

We have now completed our second module and we are very pleased to say that we are the first setting in Brighton and Hove to have achieved the required standard and been awarded a GOLD certificate! Hopefully we will get all three before the end of the year!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

What's Changed Outside

Over the last few weeks the staff have been looking in detail at our outside area and the variety of activities we provide. Green Jo has been on a course about providing outstanding outdoor provision which along with the improvements we have been making on our planning has improved how we use what is a really great space! We thought you might like to see some pictures of what we have been doing ...

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Mud Kitchen

Last year the children really enjoyed having one of the flower beds left as just soil to play in! This year we are going to look at having a mud kitchen! If any one has any old pots,pans or utensils that they don't want any more then please bring them in.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Our Garden

As the sun has finally begun to show its face, we are beginiing to think about the children's gardens.

Last year the children really enjoyed planting, looking after and even eating the strawberries, carrots, tomatoes, etc and we would really like to do that again this year.

We are going to be getting some plants next week but if you could help us in any way with anything then this would be very much appreciated. Vegetables and fruit that the children can have for healthy snack is great but it would be also nice to have a few flowers to make it look a bit brighter!

We will of course be keeping you all up to date with your children's gardening over the coming weeks on the blog and through facebook!

Parents Evening

If you have not already done so please book a time for parents evening!